An Altered State: Her Point of View

Chapter warning: violence

 Since the naive weak one doesn't allow me to take control often or for long, I will use my small precious time to pen down things that people, the world should know. 

She thinks that I am just an altered state and that I'll go away, but we know that won't happen. I manifested from the very feelings she created. She is me and I am her. We are one. One day she'll accept that, and we will become closer to one and I will take over all consciousness. 

In the end it's me who is brought out to fight other vampires. Many of them are so boring and bow beneath my boots in minutes. If they are that easy to tear down and consume, then she should have been able to handle them herself. Why am I called out? Because I am the superior. One can't deny that when I take over, our strength multiplies, senses heightened, abilities reach max level, and we are unstoppable. Need I mention the fact that if I go into berserk mode, no vampire stands a chance against me, I dare say even an ancient Nobel. 

But I digress. Away from the point. I despise vampires. I wish to rule over them. How dare being that can't even walk in the sun and take damage from holy object call me the inferior? One day I shall tear down the vampire hierarchy and sit at the top. Why should we be considered the prey? Hide away from vampires, when we can easy rip them apart? I'll tear down every vampire that crosses my path. I spare only those that pledge loyalty to me when I create a new vampire order. 

I've easily killed over 200 vampires and converted at least half of that. The naive one would disagree, but that's only because she hardly remembers what happens when I'm in control. Neither does she remember when I take over while she sleeps and continue my vengeance against those that took everything away from me.

One day I'll find Akio, and together, two true daywalkers, shall sit on the ancient noble thrones of the vampire council. We will be at the top, and they will fear us. But, until I find my dear Akio, my brother that was stolen away from me, I'll destroy and convert every vampire I come across. 

As for the humans, I really don't care either way. I neither despise nor like them. They merely are a means to making me stronger when I'm battling a foe. Although, they can be useful when they obey me and don't get in my way. For now, I follow what the naive one says, about not needlessly hurting or killing them since that can hinder our search for Akio. Too much attention could cause him to hide away even more if he is still out there, and cause too many human eyes on us which is a bother. Not that I am afraid, as I can take those puny things out by the flick of a finger. But the unwanted attention and noise they can create is irritating. So, for now, I leave them be, only taking what blood I need to easily finish a battle and ignore the rest unless they are useful to me in some way. I have come across useful information traders, ones that will rat out vampire locations, and loyal subjects.

Now, the supernatural creatures and the like that we have come across are another story. While I don't particularly have a grudge or distain towards them, I find them to be rivals to my strength. I don't seek them out, but it isn't uncommon for them to seek us out. Being that I am writing this foolish journal entry is a testament that none of them lived to tell another day or the battle ended in a draw. While I hate to admit it, there are many strong creatures out there. I don't seek them out as that would just disrupt my overall goal and in the end all I care out is my kind and not others. 

For some reason these days, the naive one has been spending time with some of these supernatural creatures and humans. I'd prefer she not waste her time and spend that time on searching for Akio. While I had never considered these creatures as useful to my quest since they are not vampires, I sit behind in the shadows of her mind waiting to decide what to do with them.

In fact, one that I had plead loyalty to me a hundred or so years ago has appeared again to the naive one. I don't think she quite remembers it or acknowledges their meetings, but I do. I remember the day this green haired vampire and his friends decided to end their lives by targeting us. Ah, on a warm Californian evening, I remember the encounter. The naive one walking the beach, downtrodden over the lack of information on Akio, and passing by a rowdy sole group by a beach cave. Of those four vampires, one of them was a high rank noble. That a was clear since once we passed by, he had instantly taken notice of us and quickly approached us. Of course, my pathetic naive self was so observed with her own thoughts that this vampires strike was able to hit her and nock her down before she even noticed what happened. Ah, I remember lapping up my own blood as I lie there, the vampire approaching, full of confidence, his friends not far behind. The poor thing, it didn't know, even consuming my own blood is enough to set myself free to take control. 

Ah, I remember getting up quicker than that noble vampire could notice and ripping off his arm before his very eyes and bite into it before kicking him to the ground. Mmm, my favorite of vampire blood is that of higher noble vampires. And of course, with four foes, and an able consumption of blood, berserk mode was activated. I recall grabbing two of those vampire lackies of that noble and smashing their heads together. While their bodies fell to the floor, in a daze, I pulled out my kodachi and stabbed them both in their hearts through their backs. Heh, I remember the look on the green haired vampires face as I slowly started to approach him. The look of fear on a vampire's faces is exquisite. I think if the noble vampire hadn't attacked me from behind, i would have taken him out right then. But of course, the first vampire tried to strike me in the back but backhanded him before he could even lay a finger on me, sending him crashing into the ocean cave entrance. Yes, with an evil smirk on my face I lunched towards him and pinned him to the ground with my boots. I distinctly remember questioning why he had done such a stupid thing as attack me as I dug my heels deeper into him. Of course, his ridiculous response was that he knew I was some sort of half vampire and that he couldn't pass up on an opportunity for a rare prey. To this day, even opponent that has referred to me as that, I remember my reaction, pure rage and violence. I stomped on him as the ground gave way. When he was too dazed to throw insults, I grabbed him by the throat and fed from him, savoring every drop. I threw his body to the ground and turned towards the green haired vampire, ready to finish off the last of them. But before I could lay a finger on him, he had dropped to his knees and begged for his life. "I'll do anything if you spare my life. I was just hanging out with these idiot friends of mine. I really didn't mean any harm; I was just following them" I recall him pleading. I could tell he was a turned vampire, so it wasn't like he was going to be as useful as the noble that I had consumed, and he seemed eager to listen to my commands. I gave him an alternatim. Pledge loyalty to me and promise to consider me a vampire queen over the current vampire nobility and I'd spare his life. He was quick to say yes and quick to request orders. I liked that. Most of the others would run away in fear after our agreement. So, I trusted this one with a task. Go away for some time and appear before the naive one as a new friend. Befriend me in that state decades later so she wouldn't remember the encounter. What a better way to test out these followers I had collected over the centuries but by tasking them to look over my pathetic naive state while I slumber in her consciousness until the next time I am summoned and have more control. 

As for the rest that have appeared recently, the dark shadow, the one that can't control his magic, the moon rabbit, the humanoid otter. It is yet to be seen how they will play out. For now, they seem useful to the naive one, but, one day I'll test them to see if they are useful to me. One day I'll have control over the body, and she'll be the one slumbering...

An Altered State: Alter's Point of View ~ End ~

Art/concept by Ibissss (@snerplues)


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