Introduction Lore ~ Part 2: The Escape

The next evening Roland had made up his mind. He was going to free Yuna and let her run away. Figured he could come up with a reason to convince his father how she had escaped and would just take the brunt of his anger. He just didn't like the idea of her being trapped there. Roland went around to all the working familiars and servants in the castle and gave them tasks that would keep them busy and their eyes off of the cellar. Once they were busy, he went down and unlocked the cell that Yuna was in. He quickly opened the door and told her to step out.

"What's going on?" She asked, just staring at him.

"My father should be back tomorrow. I'm letting you go. I'll lead you out the back way and take you to the crossroads down the mountain. Then you can find your way back to the village and get what you need and leave the area." Roland responded. He then grabbed Yuna's arm and lead her towards his father's study, where the secret exit was located. 

"Are you sure about this, isn't this dangerous for you to do?" Yuna whispered as she followed him towards the exit.

"I've been dealing with his disappointment and anger all my life; I'll deal with it. For now, let's just get you out of here" Roland responded as he opened the door and lead Yuna down the exit passage

From the outside the door looked like the side of the rocky mountain, but in reality, it was a well-hidden door that opened from the passage below. Roland and Yuna exited through the door. He led her quickly down the narrow path that led towards the base of the mountain. Roland was quicker than Yuna and although he was leading her by hand, she found herself tripping over her foot and began to fall. Before she could hit the ground, Roland had swung her up and into his arms and carried her as he quickly ran down the mountain path. Yuna could feel her face flush red and then looked away.

"I, I can walk myself" Yuna timidly said.

"You're still weak from all the draining, plus this is faster." Roland said as he continued down the mountain.

It didn't take long to get to the base the mountain path. Once Yuna realized they were at the crossroads path, she managed to get out of Roland's grasp and hop to her feet.

"I can walk myself!" She said.

"Yes, this is where you'll take the road to the village." Roland pointed towards the East "If you follow this path, then it will lead you to the village. Once you get there, get your essentials and then leave town. Try to get as far as you can and then, continue on, that's the best advice I can give you on this matter"

But, before Yuna could thank Roland for his kindness, an ominous feeling filled the air. In the blink of an eye, Roland had grabbed Yuna again and the leapt up to a nearby tree. The base of the mountain was a forest, so he jumped from tree to tree. When Yuna looked over Roland's shoulder, she saw them, two vampires, following suite and catching up to them. 

"They are my father's personal guards. This isn't good. If they are here this means that father returned early. I'll try to get you as close as I can to down and then you hurry there while I distract them. " Roland said under his breath as he leapt from tree to tree.

It didn't take Roland long to realize that he wouldn't be able to outpace the guards. He dropped to the forest floor and place Yuna down. "You can keep going East and you'll reach the town in maybe ten minutes." Roland said as he walked towards the two vampire guards who were now on the forest floor approaching them.

Without hesitation, Roland leapt towards the closes guard and began to spar with him. The blows were quick and heavy and to a human eye, one would barely be able to catch the attacks. As the first guard thought he had an opportunity to hit Roland, he grabbed it outstretched arm and then slammed him to the ground. The ground quacked as a small crater was created. Roland then quickly slammed his foot down on the vampire's throat and severed his head with the impact. The second vampire guard lunged towards Roland and quickly began to exchange blows with him as well, ignoring his fallen partner.

Yuna watched, from a nearby tree. She wanted to run away, but at the same time, she wanted to make sure Roland would be ok. Once Roland noticed she was still there he yelled out "Go! What are you waiting for?!"

This startled Yuna and she slowly turned and began walking towards the village.

This small moment in time was enough for the vampire guard to quickly drop from his sleeve a silver bladed dagger. The hilt was wooden and there was a cover around the blade that dropped once it popped from his sleeve. It was dangerous for vampires to carry these weapons, even with these precautions, but it wasn't out of the ordinary for high level guards or skilled vampires to use these tactics. As Roland returned his focus on the guard, the guard swung the dagger at him. Roland tried to dodge the attack but wasn't able to fully dodge it. The guard was able to leave a deep slash in Roland's shoulder, which would have been a complete stab if he hadn't dodged it in time. 

The burn from the silver cut burned like fire and Roland winced in pain. Now angry, he grabbed the guard's arm, that held the dagger and twisted his arm and plunged it into his opponent's heart with and overpowering force. The guard dropped to the ground, feet from his fallen partner. 

Yuna turned her head as she ran towards the town and although she was a way away, she could see Roland drop to his knees, holding his shoulder. This shook her head and she quickly turned around and ran as fast as she could back to Roland. She dropped to her knees in front of him, checking his wound and asked him if he was ok.

"Wh... Why are you still here!? Don't worry about me and leave! I'll heal quickly from this, I'm a noble vampire. Listen to what I say and get out of here, you don't have much time before he gets here!?" Roland responded to Yuna, in an irritated tone. 

"But. You're hurt, let's leave together! I don't want to leave you behind!" Yuna cried out.

"If you don't leave now, we are both going to be dead. Please, just go so you can be safe. There isn't much time!" Roland responded and then pushed Yuna away.

Yuna winced her face and looked away. She slowly began to stand up, realizing that she had no choice but to listen to Roland. As she began walking away from Roland, her face full of sorry, a booming voice echoed across the night's sky.

"You really thought you could get away with this? I knew from the beginning a pathetic excuse of a son like you would try something like this while I was away" Count Zaros said from the shadows.

Roland quickly stood up at the sound of his father's voice and looked towards the West. On one of the trees in the distance he could see the silhouette of his father. And in an instant, it was gone, and he was standing right in front of him.

Roland had to time to respond before count Zaros grabbed Roland by the neck and lifted him up.

"You've always been a disappointment to me. Never wanting to act like a proper noble, too sensitive about blood slaves, and trying to live on your own like hermit. Me vying to be the most ruthless on the vampire castle, humiliated by a son who has the talent to takeover yet such a mental weakling. Well, I know the vampire society very well. Nobles killing nobles is looked down upon unless there is a good reason. Once I found this girl, I knew I had my reason to get rid of you. I knew you'd try to run away with her. And you did. And now I have my reason to get rid of you and have your younger brother take your spot. Stealing another vampire's prey goes against the councils' rules. You also killed by guards. It's unfortunate I have to do this, but this act of defiance was the last straw." Count Zaros smirked and said as he cruelly looked down at Roland. "It won't give me pleasure to do this, but it will give me relief that I won't have to be ashamed of my so-called heir"

As Zaros had crackled his speech to Roland, giving him his last words, Roland has tapped into Yuna's mind telepathically and said "Use this chance to run. Don't think just run, as fast as you can. Go now!"

Roland was part of a vampire house that a specialty in psychic powers, and one he was quite skilled at was telepathy. He knew only He and Yuna could hear it because he received this skill from his mother, as his father's side of the family specialized in strength and transformative powers. 

Yuna could not accept that not only was Roland sacrificing himself for her but that his own father was as cruel as he was. Cruel enough to kill his own son and set the stage for it to happen. She also felt guilty because she was a catalyst for his father to be get rid of Roland. Without a second thought, she grabbed the hairpin from her hard and held it tightly. It was a gift from her father. A hairpin in the shape of a thick cross, the cross disguised by the pretty bows on top. The tip of the hairpin was sharp and imbued in it was sanctified holy water. The tip was easily breakable and would release the holy water stored inside into the blood stream of whoever was pierced by it. Yuna charged towards Count Zaros. She knew he considered her weak and probably didn't see her as a threat.

 As she got close, she yelled "This is for the hell that you put me through!"

Count Zaros turned his head towards her, looking at her as if she were but a fly. When Roland had taken out the guards, it was a bloody mess, and blood splatter had covered parts of her arm and clothes. She lifted her left arm and lapped up the blood. Then now that she had her vampiric powers awakened, she lunged as quickly as she could her right arm hidden behind her and before Zaros could let go of Roland, she swung her arm down, stabbing him in the eye with her hairpin.

Count Zaros wreathed in pain as he dropped Roland and held his eye. The silver cross felt like liquid lava in his eye, and the holy water began to course around, causing him to drop to his knee.

Without hesitation she dropped down in front of Roland and exposed her neck. "Don't argue just drink. You're injured and you are no match for him. I know my blood is special. Take what you need so you can escape." She said to him looking down.

"I can't..." Roland began to argue

"I trust you!" Yuna said "I know you'll know when to stop. Please, hurry, I don't know how long the silver and holy water will last against your father!"

Roland hesitated, not wanting to give in to Yuna's request. But he knew she was right. He was injured and needed recovery. Without a boost, he would have no way to repel his father and keep both him and Yuna alive. After a few seconds of hesitation, Roland grabbed onto Yuna's shoulders, pulled her close and bared his fangs before plunging them into her neck. Yuna winced and let out a slight gasp. She could feel bother her face fluster has Roland fed from her, but also life slowly leaving her. After a few second, Yuna could feel herself feeling dizzy and closed her eyes, ready to accept whatever fate was before her.

Right as she felt she was on the verge of passing out, she felt Roland let go of her shoulders and pull away, whispering under his breath "Thank you..."

Yuna sat, holder her neck as she watched Roland quickly self-recover from his wounds and strengthen himself. He then charged towards Zaros, who was still on a knee from the pain of the silver and holy water attack. He let out a flurry of punches and kicks that sent Count Zaros flying towards a nearby boulder, causing it to smash upon contact. Roland then kicked a large tree that was next to him causing it to come crashing down. He then launched it at the spot that Zaros had slammed into. He did this another few times with about 3 more trees and then quickly turned around, grabbed Yuna, and with is improved straight and speed from her blood, headed towards the port city village lived in. 

"I could tell that was potent silver and holy water. It won't keep him down forever, but I think it will buy us enough time. Between that and my attacks we should be able to reach the town and hide out until sunrise, which should be approaching soon. " Roland said as he sped towards the Port village of what is now known as Santorini, Greece.

"There is a tailor shop behind the main shop in the village. My friend lives there. I've been very cautious with my interactions with her and actually never been in her shop. I think it would be a safe place to go." Yuna replied as the village square came into view.

As they entered the village square, Roland headed towards the shop Yuna had mentioned and stopped in front of the door. He let go of Yuna and placed her on her feet. She then quickly knocked on the door even though it was early in the morning. They waited in anticipation, watching all around them as Yuna continue to knock on the door. After about 2 minutes, the tailor shop owner cautiously opening the door enough to peek out and ask who it was. 

"Diana, it's Yuna. I know its sudden and late. But I was hoping you could help me. A friend and I need a place to stay for a day. Someone was bothering me at my dwelling and my friend her was kind enough to help, but we think it's safer to stay somewhere else for the night until the drunkards go their way." Yuna explained the situation.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. The town drunks can be such a nuisance. Of course, you could stay for the day." Diana responded opening the door.

"It is ok for both of us to come in?" Yuna strategically asked. She knew that although it didn't really stop vampires from entering a dwelling. The act of inviting one in, did reduce the traces they leave behind, and doesn't give a little hinderance to their vampire powers versus entering a human's home uninvited. Although the benefits were minor, she knew the situation was serious enough that anything would be helpful. 

"Why of course Yuna. You always helped me when i was out picking herbs and gathering supplies. Why wouldn't I help you. Even if I don't know this handsome fellow, I'm sure if he is with you, he must be trustworthy!" Diana laughed as she ushered them in. 

Diana sold from the first floor of her tailor shop but lived on the second floor. She did quite well as the only tailor in the village and her dwelling was abundant. Besides her living area and her own room, she had two other rooms in her home. She didn't have 2 extra beds and offered bedding instead and the two said they would sleep each in a separate room. After thanking Diana for her hospitality and making sure he didn't sense any vampires around, Zaros went into one of the rooms. Yuna went in a little after he did, and they spoke of their next steps. Roland told Yuna that setting across the seas to the new continent would be a wise idea for her. He went into detail on how he had actually been setting things up to go to a recently found island country to the north without his father knowing because he had intended on abandoning everything related to his family at some point. He explained that where she could head to, who should talk to and where to settle when she got there. He insisted that he would stay and make sure he was able to leave safely and then figure out the things with his father on his own. Yuna didn't argue with him after that and silently went to her room. Roland went into the closet and used the bedding to seal out any light. He decided to sleep the day sitting in the closet. Yuna went into the other room and laid down on her bedding and went to sleep for about a few hours. Both were able to fall asleep because by the time they had entered Diana's home and selected their rooms, the sun had begun to rise, and they knew they were safe for the time being. 

After about a few hours of rest, Yuna quickly woke up and headed to the village square. She checked at the docks if one of the ships would be setting sail today. When she found out one would be leaving at five, she knew she had to work quickly...

When the sun had set and he knew it was nighttime, Roland woke up to find himself sleeping in a coffin. He quickly rose out of it and looked around, confused that he wasn't in the closet he had fell asleep in. He was in the containment holder of a settlement ship and sitting on the floor next to the coffin was Yuna, smiling at him.

"What did you do?!" Roland asked, confused and surprised.

"I learned that a settlement ship was leaving today a five for the island country with snow, while the sun was still up. I figured it was the perfect opportunity since vampires can't roam around in the sun. I told the funeral director my family member had died, and I needed a coffin and was going to bury him with his other family members that has traveled to the new world. the window in the room and made sure it was dark and safe and put you in the coffin and then sealed it up with some dirt molding so no light could get in. When no one was looking I just put it on a cart and then used the card to bring it to the ship. I am still part vampire after all, so I was nothing for me to carry move you around." Yuna slightly giggled as she responded. "Then I boarded the ship and waited here. I knew you wouldn't listen to me If I insisted you went with me, so I figured this was the only way. I don't think you would be alive if you stayed there with how angry your father was. I didn't want to leave you alone."

Roland looked to the side. "You...didn't need to do this" he said, and then stepped out of the coffin.

Yuna stood up and before Roland could walk away, hugged him from behind. "I want to go to the island country with snow with you. You have only shown me kindness since I met you and you don't deserve to live the way you did with your father. If you are upset at what I did.... I understand, but at least know I did it because I couldn't bear the thought of one of the few people who showed me true kindness being hurt." She said as she held him.

Roland grabbed Yunas hand, which were wrapped around his waist and removed them from him and let them go. Yuna looked towards the ground, dejected that she had upset him and was rejected and tried hard not to show it on her face. But before she could say a word in respond to her perceived rejection, Roland turned to face her and embraced her in his arms. 

"Thank you Yuna. Thank you for making the decision that I had always wanted to make but couldn't. And... thank you for appearing in my life" Roland said as he hugged her tightly.

Yuna's face turned beet red from the fact that Roland had called her by her name for the first time and was hugging her so tightly. When she looked up, his golden yellow eyes were staring into hers, slowly getting closer to hers, and then they kissed.

This is how my parents met, escaped, and fell in love. From there they travelled to the country now known as Iceland and using the resources Roland had already set up, they ended up building and settling in a rural town there. They stayed there and only rarely traveled to the mainland on rare occasions as to avoid being found by Roland's father. They eventually had two children. Their eldest, a daughter named Misa, and their youngest, a son called Akio. When news came there way that many were traveling to what is now known as the United Stated, the new world, they took their than two very young children and moved there. They ended up building and settling in a farmhouse away from a small village where they could reside in peace.  They lived peacefully in the new world until Misas's vampire age of 9, when they were eventually found by Roldan's father, Count Zaros, and Roland lost his life taking out his father to save his family's life. In the process, Akio disappeared and Yuna and Misa survived the tragedy only to search for decades for clues on the whereabout of Misa's brother, Akio.

*~ Introduction Lore Part 2: The Escape: End ~*


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