
Ah, This Journal Still Remains

  While much of my journaling remains in logs unseen. I have reminded myself, that during this iteration of myself, I was sharing information with those that wanted to read. I must admit, this iteration of myself has been…different, from each time I have reset my human form to create a new identity. For so long I had been used to going through the motions of living a human life, while researching as much as I can, trying to find even a crumb of a clue about Akio. Once the fact that I wasn’t aging would get too close to being recognized, I packed up, moved, and became a different person. Admittedly, I hadn’t really found any relevant clues for the almost 200 years I have been searching. For some reason, before assuming this identity, I had come across the notion of broadcasting yourself to a greater audience. And I saw how many non-humans were doing it. It seemed like a safe way to send a signal in hopes that my rarity would catch the eye of the other person like me. Upon starting this

Lore Art


Friends I Met Along My Travels Chapter 1

 When you're searching for something, or rather someone impossible to find, you often find unexpected treasures along the way.      Being mostly undead meant that staying in one place for too long was not an option. It posed too many risks, the biggest one being, exposing that you never age to the people who live around you.      Now, I will pause here, because I know some will question the notion of not aging. Yes, I was a child at one point in my life and grew up. A vampire, born as a vampire, does age, so does a turn one. It's just that aging is a concept that can't quite be fully explained by natural terms of human aging. A born vampire will start off as an infant and age until adult age, which at that point, they stay looking that way for centuries. For the turned vampire, they stay as they were turned for centuries as well. But, as the centuries rack up, the aging does happy in appearance for a vampire. The more the centuries have racked up, the older the vampire look

Friends I Met Along My Travels 2

On the topic of encounters, and friends I have met along the way, come another two tales that serve as a record for the variety of beings that a vampire may encounter during their long lifespan. I remember another special being I had met serendipitously while living on the eastern side of the country at the time. One evening, while walking the streets, the scent of pizza permeated the air. It was s strong and tempting, being that I had been wandering for quite some time and felt quite hungry. It wasn't unusual for me to spent hours of the night just wandering hoping some random clue would appear before me, while searing for my brother. I decided to follow the scent and it led me to a back alleyway. When I rounded the corner, I could see a figure, but not just any figure. It wasn't quite human. I could tell by their outline, that they had wings, large wings. I was hesitant to approach at first, as obviously, they were not human and could pose a threat. But the smell and the curi

Friends I Met Upon My Travels 3

 While I could go on about the many different humans, mythical creatures, and on humans I have met during my travels. We'll end off with two more friends that I have met recently. Nighttime is a great time if you are looking to meet or find a being that isn't human. It's the time humans tend to not like being out in the most, plus its harder for them to see and discern what they are seeing. For those that have supernatural eyes, nighttime, is the time you can see the wonders of spices and beings that hide from the human eye.      One evening, I happen to come across one such being. Now, being that I'm a vampire, and also searching for something I don't think I'll ever find, it's not uncommon for me to go out into the wilderness or just plain wild places, where people aren't likely to be, hoping to encounter someone that might have some clues. I had been searching a particular area for a few weeks now. I knew enclaves and homes to mythical beings, can oft

An Altered State: Her Point of View

Chapter warning: violence  Since the naive weak one doesn't allow me to take control often or for long, I will use my small precious time to pen down things that people, the world should know.  She thinks that I am just an altered state and that I'll go away, but we know that won't happen. I manifested from the very feelings she created. She is me and I am her. We are one. One day she'll accept that, and we will become closer to one and I will take over all consciousness.  In the end it's me who is brought out to fight other vampires. Many of them are so boring and bow beneath my boots in minutes. If they are that easy to tear down and consume, then she should have been able to handle them herself. Why am I called out? Because I am the superior. One can't deny that when I take over, our strength multiplies, senses heightened, abilities reach max level, and we are unstoppable. Need I mention the fact that if I go into berserk mode, no vampire stands a chance agai

An Altered State

  Although I spend the majority of the time in me neutral state, that is Misa with the duality of having both human and vampire ancestry, along with my human form during the day to blend into human society. There is form a Misa that I haven't touched on in these journals much. My altered state, as I like to call it. In a neutral state, I am the Misa that I have shared with everyone. Using my ability to shape shift and alter my DNA, I suppress the vampiric DNA to switch over to my human form. This allows me to live a relatively peaceful life during the day. I assume a human identity and live among humans while I also look for clues for my missing brother, Akio. But at night, the peace is disrupted. Vampires stir and every once in a while, when I am out especially, they seem to find me. In most cases, it's just a turned vampire who was looking for their next meal, most likely didn't know that I was a Daywalker and in my neutral state can take them out quite easily.  But, on o