Friends I Met Along My Travels Chapter 1
When you're searching for something, or rather someone impossible to find, you often find unexpected treasures along the way. Being mostly undead meant that staying in one place for too long was not an option. It posed too many risks, the biggest one being, exposing that you never age to the people who live around you. Now, I will pause here, because I know some will question the notion of not aging. Yes, I was a child at one point in my life and grew up. A vampire, born as a vampire, does age, so does a turn one. It's just that aging is a concept that can't quite be fully explained by natural terms of human aging. A born vampire will start off as an infant and age until adult age, which at that point, they stay looking that way for centuries. For the turned vampire, they stay as they were turned for centuries as well. But, as the centuries rack up, the aging does happy in appearance for a va...